7 Things that lean people do that you should consider. (how to become, and stay lean year round)

1 - Fasted cardio every other day: 

Doing some form of cardio on an empty stomach in the morning every second or third day. 

2 - Drink 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar with 1/2 litre of water within
30min upon waking  

3- Forget about dieting:

Dieting doesn't work, dieting is about deprivation. Change your mindset away from dieting and start

thinking more along the lines of lifestyle. If you want to get lean and stay lean, you need to get rid of the idea of dieting. 

4 - Drink lots of water:
When you drink enough water throughout the day you become more aware of the difference between thirst and hunger, which then in turn helps you make better choices when you feel the need to fuel your body. 

5 - Prioritize weight training over cardio training: 

This might sound counter intuitive but think about it, the more lean muscle you build, the more likely you will be able to stay lean forever. When you have more lean muscle, your insulin sensitivity is higher and that means that you will have a different response to the food you put into our body.

6 - Include a juice fast at least once every 17 weeks: for more info and ideas check out this article - https://www.superfoodevolution.com/day-juice-fast.html

7 - Consistency: 

Consistency is key when it comes to getting lean and staying lean, how to stay consistent? 

 [FOOD] I’ll say it again, throw dieting away! A diet has an expiration date. Put all your focus to changing your lifestyle, find foods that are healthy and that you enjoy, that you would be happy to eat for the rest of your life. 
[TRAINING] If your current training plan feels like a drag, drop it and find another form of activity that works for you (swimming, tennis, kayaking etc.) You can always come back to the training you are currently doing but sometimes taking a break from a specific training regimen can be good for your body as well as your motivation.
